Past director and Jim Dine smile and lift a print off a printing press

Museum Collections

A student stands in front of a storage rack storing framed artwork

Collection Study Center

Home of the Permanent Collection, the Collection Study Center features open collection storage paired with the Patricia W. and Samuel H. Smith Collection Classroom. Our expert staff provides faculty, students, and community members with opportunities to engage with unique objects of visual culture.

Two people work on an orange cylinder

Collection Care

Curious about your privately-owned artwork? Please use these resources to better understand collection care.

Permanent Collection Searchable Database

The museum is responsible for a collection of over 4,000 priceless artworks housed in the Collection Study Center, unique within the WSU system. The CSC provides a portal for academic research and professional training through personalized access to the important works in WSU’s permanent collection. Your membership helps support scholarly research and an ever-expanding collection of art, visible here through our Permanent Collection Searchable Database.

Recent Acquisition Highlights