Person viewing art in a display case

College & University

College & University Visits and Tours


College and university classes and groups are welcome to explore the museum and engage our exhibitions in a variety of ways. Please read the “Ways to Work in the Museum” section below before deciding how your group may best utilize the museum space. After you’ve considered these options, you will be ready to fill out a tour/visit request form. NOTE: Even if you plan to send students individually / outside of class, we ask that you fill out our form so we know your class is making use of our resources.

Ways to Work in the Museum

  1. Staff-Guided Tours: We offer staff-guided tours of the museum and current exhibitions. Unless otherwise requested, this will be an overview of the museum and its mission, as well as highlights of several works from all current exhibitions. Review our current and upcoming exhibitions—making sure to check closing and opening dates for each exhibition—before you request potential dates for your visit. Your tour may be guided by the Curator of Education & Programs or an Education Assistant, depending on availability.
  2. Self-Guided Tours/Visits: You may also bring your class or group on a self-guided visit. We welcome teachers and group leaders who want to independently lead discussions and activities in the museum. We still ask that you let us know you are coming: Please fill out a tour/visit request form so we can be prepared to have a student ambassador greet you and go over museum rules and etiquette. The form will also allow you to indicate if your class will need chairs, clipboards, pencils, or any other special assistance.
  3. Independent Visits for Students: Many teachers like to send students to the museum outside of class to use our resources for assignments and projects. We welcome this interaction. Again, please make sure you let us know your students are coming by filling out a tour/visit request form, even if your students are not coming in one large group. It is valuable to museum education to know what classes and subject areas our exhibitions are serving.
  4. Collaborate with the Museum on Special Projects: We also love to work with individuals who have specialized or more intensive goals for their group visits and need planning assistance from the museum. Do you have specific subject matter you want to engage, either within the arts or in another discipline? Do you have ideas for unique ways to navigate the museum space? Do you have a special hands-on activity you want to try? If so, please email the museum’s Curator of Education & Programs before filling out the tour request form: We will do our best to accommodate your request.
  5. Mindfulness Breaks: The museum is a great space for short mindfulness breaks during a busy day. You do not need to stay and see the whole exhibition every time. We welcome short visits too, perhaps just five minutes to sit and meditate quietly on one work of art. If your group has already visited the museum, this is a great resource idea to share.

Things to Know Before Visiting

  1. Please request tours and visits at least three weeks in advance, even if you are planning a self-guided visit or sending students outside of class.
  2. If your class meets outside of museum open hours, you must request a staff-guided tour, even if you are planning to lead most of the group discussion or activity yourself.
  3. The ideal size for a group visit is 30 students or less, but we can accommodate larger groups if we have enough advance notice.
  4. Remember to review the museum’s current and upcoming exhibitions—making sure to check closing and opening dates for each exhibition—before you request potential dates for your visit.
  5. Be prepared to request three different options for the date of your visit on the tour/visit request form.
  6. Please review “Museum Rules and Etiquette” with your group before visiting (see below).
  7. Please let us know if your group will need to use clipboards, pencils, and/or folding chairs.
  8. If you are coming from off-campus, please contact the Brelsford WSU Visitor Center for parking assistance.

Museum Rules and Etiquette

Please review museum rules and etiquette with all members of your group before your visit. You may also download or print a comprehensive list of museum conduct guidelines: Museum Conduct PDF.

  1. Keep your bodies and voices quiet and calm. Move slowly in the museum.
  2. Make sure not to touch the art, the glass cases, or the walls of the museum. It is ok to sit on the floor, but do not lean on the walls.
  3. No food or drink in the galleries. Also, no coats or large backpacks. You may leave these items in our cubbies near the front desk.
  4. Only pencils are permitted in the galleries, no pens or markers. Clipboards and extra pencils may be provided by the museum upon request.
  5. Photography is permitted as long as flash is not used. Videography is not permitted without prior permission.
  6. Please silence your cell phone in the galleries. If you need to talk on your phone, please go to the lobby area.
  7. Encourage students to dress comfortably. The museum interior is cool and students may be asked to sit on the floor during their tour. 

Request a Tour or Visit

Now that you have read through this page, you are ready to fill out a tour/visit request form. Please remember to have three possible dates in mind before submitting your form.