2010 World of Mateo

Matthew Leiker

Exhibition Dates: May 18 – July 2, 2010
Reception: May 18, 6pm, Museum of Art/WSU Gallery

The World of Mateo is filled with images of an American subculture known by no particular name but seemingly related to road culture, California style, album jacket graphics of the 50’s and our affinity for Hawaiian island iconography. Trapped in time, somewhere between the 60’s and 70’s, his embrace of Tiki lounges, drive-in theatre refreshment cartoons and a plethora of music that bubbles vibrantly with the hypnotic tones of the ukulele, inspire his imagination to create work that is at once nostalgic and oddly futuristic. His whimsical compositions have earned him acclaim and contracts from many prestigious companies including Disney. This exhibit will feature current works by this prolific artist along with a selection of record album covers, island carvings and a few knick-knacks from his personal collection.

Leiker grew up in northern California, attended Bridgewater State College just south of Boston, and recently moved from Pullman to Spokane. He cites among his influences, trips to Disneyland as a child. As a young adult, he was employed at the park for seven years and met his wife while working in the Haunted Mansion.