2015 Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition

With Sena Clara Creston, Dennis DeHart, Tim Doebler, Joe Hedges, Kevin Haas, David Herbold, Michael Holloman, Zachary Kolden, Jamin Kuhn, Pamela Lee, Jiemei Lin, Squeak Meisel, Hiromi Okumura, Io Palmer, Alma Rocha, Sam Ryan and Reza Safavi.

Exhibition Dates: August 24 – September 26, 2015
Reception: September 3, 6-8pm, MOA Gallery

Please join the Fine Arts faculty and the Museum of Art/WSU in the gallery for a reception on Thursday, September 3, from 6-8 pm for the 2015 Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition.

The tradition of the Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition offers a diverse blend of methods and media, featuring the work of both senior and new faculty alike. These individuals represent a team of cultural advocates that are making an international impact through their artistic and educational endeavors. We are fortunate to have such a proficient and prolific faculty who exemplify the mantra “world class, face to face.”

In addition to displaying the talent of the WSU Department of Fine Arts Faculty, this exhibit allows students to see their mentors putting theory into practice. It provides students with the unique opportunity to perceive and be inspired by the ingenuity of those whose very responsibility it is to reveal a sense of aesthetic awareness and creative vision.

That said, the faculty featured in this exhibition certainly have a profound task ahead of them: assisting students in defining their artistic identities through technical mastery and theory, as well as through a celebration of diversity and cultural exposure. This is accomplished by creating a learning environment of discovery, in which our faculty guides students of all disciplines to become sustained, self-directed learners.

An artistic education is no longer reserved solely for the emerging artist… What are some of the characteristics of the world’s most successful engineers, scientists, and inventors? They are problem-solvers, efficient communicators, philosophers, tinkerers… they think “outside the box” and offer innovative solutions. Workplace demands are for culturally sensitive individuals who can solve problems, build teams and coalitions, and incorporate fair and flexible concepts into everyday decisions. The arts promote these values and provide students with the social skills necessary for enhancing awareness and respect of others’ views.

It is difficult to teach art and maintain the status of a professional artist. This exhibit represents an emphatic response to that challenge and salutes the talent of our faculty.

The Museum of Art is committed to the idea that a museum has a responsibility to recognize the creative talent of its region.  Our over-arching goal is to support creativity and innovation in students who can seek out divergent opinions, examine complex issues from a variety of perspectives and find meaning in the world.

The Museum of Art is located on Wilson Road across from Martin Stadium in the Fine Arts Center on the WSU Pullman campus. Gallery hours are Monday – Saturday, 10 am – 4 pm, Thursday open until 7 pm, *Closed Sunday*.  For more information please contact the museum at (509) 335-1910.

Teacher Resources

Fine Arts Faculty
Sena Clara Creston
Dennis DeHart
Tim Doebler
Kevin Haas
Joe Hedges
David Herbold
Michael Holloman
Zachary Kolden
Jamin Kuhn
Pamela Lee
Jiemei Lin
Squeak Meisel
Hiromi Okumura
Io Palmer
Alma Rocha
Sam Ryan
Reza Safavi