2011 Fine Arts Faculty Group Exhibition

Ann Christenson, Avantika Bawa, Carol Ivory, Chris Watts, Dennis DeHart, Douglas Gast, Gene Rosa, Harrison Higgs, Io Palmer, Kevin Haas, Maria DePrano, Marianne Kinkel, Michael Holloman, Michelle Forsyth, Squeak Meisel, Pamela Lee, Reza Safavi, Tamara Helm and Tim Doebler

August 25-September 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, Lecture by Squeak Meisel: 6pm in the Fine Art Auditorium
Reception after the lecture in the Museum of Art Gallery

This biennial exhibition is an opportunity for students to see their mentors’ skills and theories put to practice in a diverse array of styles and media. The exhibition includes a wide variety of works from the Washington State University Fine Art Faculty who provide inspiration to WSU students on a daily basis. The Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition is at the beginning of the semester, so incoming students are immediately exposed to the manifold talents of the WSU Fine Arts Faculty.

The Museum chooses to showcase the Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition at the beginning of the school year so incoming students are immediately exposed to the manifold talents of the WSU Fine Arts Faculty.